Research Paper By Kamran alam
PID-Based Electronic Load Controller for Three-Phase Synchronous Generator
This paper presents a project based on Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) for the implementation of load controller for 3-phase Synchronous Genera-tor. Electronic load controller is a device which is related with power elec-tronics method of controlling, managing and monitoring frequency of a sys-tem. Mostly, in ruler areas we don’t have access to grid for power. There Pi-co, micro hydropower can be implemented to provide power. For persistent operation and control of a 3-phase Synchronous generator, an electronic load controller has been implemented rather than using speed controller governor which is much more expensive. With the help of proposed device load out-put can be controlled and thus frequency can be maintained constant which again reduces worse case of overloading on generator. Therefore with the help of proposed scheme protection of both generator and users load can be maintained. Proposed system can play a vital role in run-off-river type hy-dropower station because there is no point of saving water. Thus the overall cost of installation of Hydropower plant can be decrease up to a large extent so the proposed system can be utilized in ruler areas where we do not have grid connection for Electricity.